VLM Blog

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Mastering an art form

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VLM | Violet Lantern Mastering

While many mastering engineers will only follow what they’ve been taught, and others will simply push your music as hard as they can, we take a different approach. “Wes finds that magic place where everything just sounds right.” – Ubiquity Recordings Mastering is truly an art form. There are standard practices that will always take…

We love our job

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VLM | Violet Lantern Mastering

Having a love for music for over 20 years, as well as nearly the same amount of experience in production and engineering, we understand the special relationship between an artist and their music, which is why we love what we do. “VLM is always there for us in a heartbeat – you can expect the…

Word of mouth says a lot

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VLM | Violet Lantern Mastering

There’s something to be said for ‘word of mouth’. For the last 4 years, without any advertisement or social media, we have established relationships with some of the most-respected independent record labels in the states, as well as overseas. This is due to putting our customer first, by providing the best service possible. “When anyone…